Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages

New Commentaries on 'Liber de Causis' and 'Elementatio Theologica'
Dragos Calma
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Collection / Revue
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Descriptif matériel
2 vol., 983 p., 156 x 234 mm

The fortune of the Greek-Arabic neoplatonism in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

One of the most important texts in the history of medieval philosophy, the Book of Causes was composed in Baghdad in the 9th century mainly from the Arabic translations of Proclus’ Elements of Theology. In the 12th century, it was translated from Arabic into Latin, but its importance in the Latin tradition was not properly studied until now, because only 6 commentaries on it were known. Our exceptional discovery of over 70 unpublished Latin commentaries mainly on the Book of Causes, but also on the Elements of Theology, prove, for the first time, that the two texts where widely disseminated and commented on throughout many European universities (Paris, Oxford, Erfurt, Krakow, Prague), from the 13th to the 16th century. These two volumes provide 14 editions (partial or complete) of the newly-discovered commentaries, and yields, through historical and philosophical analyses, new and essential insights into the influence of Greek and Islamic Neoplatonism in the Latin philosophical traditions.

VOL. 1: New Commentaries on Liber de causis (ca. 1250-1350), 562 p.

  • Dragos Calma, Acknowledgements
  • Dragos Calma, The Exegetical Tradition ofMedieval Neoplatonism. Considerations on a Recently Discovered Corpus of Texts
  • Mihai Maga, Remarques sur le commentaire au Liber de causis attribué à Pierre d’Auvergne
  • Alexandra Baneu / Dragos Calma, The Glose super Librum de causis and the Exegetical Tradition
  • Alexandra Baneu / Dragos Calma, Le commentaire sur le Liber de causis de Jean de Mallinges
  • Iacopo Costa / Marta Borgo, The Questions of Radulphus Brito (?) on the Liber de causis
  • Iulia Székely / Dragos Calma, Le commentaire d’un maître parisien conservé à Erfurt
  • Delphine Carron, A Theological Reading of the Liber de causis at the Turn of the Fourteenth Century: The Example of William of Leus
  • Index

VOL. 2: New Commentaries on Liber de causis and Elementatio theologica (ca. 1350-1500), 418 p.

  • Dragos Calma, Acknowledgements
  • Dragos Calma, A Medieval Companion to Aristotle : John Krosbein’s Paraphrase on Liber de causis
  • Fiorella Retucci, Sententia Procli alti philosophi. Notes on an Anonymous Commentary on Proclus’ Elementatio theologica
  • Dragos Calma / Iulia Székely, Cause and Causality in Henry of Geismar’s Questio de quolibet
  • Mario Meliadò, Le Questiones super Librum de causis attribuite a Johannes Wenck. Concezione, fonti e tradizione manoscritta del commento
  • Alexander Baumgarten, Theologia philosophorum parcialis. Un commentaire sur le Liber de causis
  • Laure Miolo, Liber de causis in libraria. Pour une mise en perspective du Liber de causis dans la bibliothèque du collège de Sorbonne
  • Index