Ce colloque, organisé du mardi 17 au jeudi 19 septembre 2024 à l'Institut historique allemand (Paris), abordera les relations entre juifs et chrétiens en France de 1096 à 1394 en évaluant les facteurs sociaux, juridiques, économiques et culturels qui ont influencé la cohabitation judéo-chrétienne pendant et après les croisades.
L’accent sera mis sur les échanges interreligieux et les évolutions des deux religions: en ce qui concerne le rapport aux textes sacrés, il existe des preuves d’un dialogue soutenu; au niveau social, de nombreux indices laissent supposer une intégration harmonieuse de la communauté juive dans la société chrétienne. Cependant, jusqu‘au xiie siècle, il n’existe pas de dispositions exhaustives ancrant la place de la population juive dans le droit. Au lieu de cela, on observe à partir de la fin du XIIe siècle, des expulsions récurrentes, motivées par des intérêts religieux, économiques et politiques, aboutissant finalement à l‘expulsion définitive des juifs de France en 1394.
The conference explores the interactions between Christians and Jews in France from 1096 to 1394, focussing on social, legal, economic and cultural factors that influenced Jewish-Christian coexistence during and after the Crusades. It centres on interreligious exchange and the transformations of both religions: With regard to the handling of sacred scriptures, there is evidence of an intensive dialogue. This also applies to the social sphere where many indications suggest an inclusion of the Jewish community in Christian society. On the other hand, until the 12th century there were no detailed regulations that formalised the place of the Jewish population in law. Instead, it can be observed that from the end of the 12th century onwards, successive expulsions fuelled by religious, economic and political interests ultimately led to the final expulsion of the Jews from France in 1394.
- Sur inscription : event@dhi-paris.fr
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
14.00–14.30 – Welcome and Introduction, Klaus Oschema (DHIP), Görge Hasselhoff (TU Dortmund), Judith Kogel (IRHT/CNRS), Amélie Sagasser (DHIP)
14.45–16.45 – Panel 1: Everyday Life Chair: Amélie Sagasser (DHIP)
- Manon Banoun (Univ. Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), Jews in Medieval Paris and Rouen. Two Different Archaeological and Topographical Approaches
- Marie Dejoux (Univ. Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), The Jews and the Territorial Officers. From Cooperation to Forced Collaboration (13th–14th centuries)
- Nureet Dermer (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem), Jews in Paris Between Expulsions, 1360–1394 17.
15–18.00 – Keynote Lecture, William Chester Jordan (Princeton Univ.), Expulsions of Jews from France Chair: Klaus Oschema (DHIP)
18.00 Reception
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
9.15–11.15 – Panel 2: Juridical and Court Life Chair: Kirsten Wallenwein (DHIP)
- Amélie Sagasser (DHIP), Jews and Judaism in the French Canonical Collections of the 12th Century
- Pinchas Roth (Bar-Ilan Univ.), Jewish Urban Life in Medieval Paris: Glimpses from the Rulings of Rabbi Yehiel of Paris
- Mario Macias López (Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona), Odo of Châteauroux’s 1248 Sentence as a Source of Jurisdictional Legitimation in Fourteenth-Century Inquisitorial Manuals
11.40–13.00 – Panel 3: Bishops and Jews Chair: Alexander Fidora (Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Görge Hasselhoff (TU Dortmund), The Bishop and the Jews. William of Auvergne and the Talmud Trials
- Judith Kogel (IRHT/CNRS), Jewish-Christian Controversies in Narbonne During the Thirteenth Century: The Milhemet Mitswa
13.00 Lunch
14.00–15.20 – Panel 4: Cultural and Scribal Activites Chair: Judith Kogel (CNRS/IRHT)
- Sarit Shalev-Eyni (Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem), Jewish-Christian Encounters in French Illuminated Manuscripts
- Katelyn Mesler (Univ. Heidelberg), Vernacular Verses: New Approaches to Medieval Hebrew-French Bible Glossaries
16.00–17.30 – Guided Tour: The Jewish Marais, Musée d‘art et d‘histoire du Judaïsme (mahJ) 71 Rue du Temple, 75003 Paris
Thursday, 19 September 2024
9.00–11.00 – Panel 5: Intellectual Life Chair: Görge Hasselhoff (TU Dortmund)
- Wout van Bekkum (Univ. Groningen), Hebrew Poetry from Medieval France and Provence as Hypotext for Latin Translations
- Miri Rubin (Queen Mary Univ. London), Ecclesia and Synagoga. Some Thirteenth Century French Interpretations
- Judah Galinsky (Bar-Ilan Univ.), »The Law as Allegory«? French Rabbinic Responses to a Christian Polemic
11.20–12.30 – Round table: Between Exchanges and Expulsions. Perspectives with Elisheva Baumgarten (Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem), Alexander Fiodora (Univ
Institut historique allemand
Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry
8 rue du Parc-Royal
75003 Paris